Kotori Research is a London-based research & insight consultancy specialising in Japanese market


Researcher / Strategist

Megumi Miki founded Kotori Research after working for a number of large international companies such as Sony, Panasonic, NTT docomo and Euromonitor. She has multi-faceted skills and knowledge in research, strategy and project management.

Miki works with a network of highly skilled partners to solve complicated problems for her clients. She uses different methodologies to find new insights and turn them into a compelling strategy.


We offer a range of services to cater to your needs.

Understand the business challenge and define the best methodology to gain insights

•Trend Research

•User / Expert Interview

•Focus Group


•User Testing

Understand the business challenge and define the best methodology to gain insights

•Trend Research

•User / Expert Interview

•Focus Group


•User Testing

Understand the business challenge and define the best methodology to gain insights

•Trend Research

•User / Expert Interview

•Focus Group


•User Testing

Translate the insights into actionable strategy and create compelling storytelling

•User Journey Mapping


•Opportunity Matrix

•Business Model Canvas


Translate the insights into actionable strategy and create compelling storytelling

•User Journey Mapping


•Opportunity Matrix

•Business Model Canvas


Translate the insights into actionable strategy and create compelling storytelling

•User Journey Mapping


•Opportunity Matrix

•Business Model Canvas


Manage every aspect of the project to ensure the smooth operation and output quality

•Stakeholder Management


•Task Management

•Language Support (EN/JP)

•Administrative Operation

Manage every aspect of the project to ensure the smooth operation and output quality

•Stakeholder Management


•Task Management

•Language Support (EN/JP)

•Administrative Operation

Manage every aspect of the project to ensure the smooth operation and output quality

•Stakeholder Management


•Task Management

•Language Support (EN/JP)

•Administrative Operation

Why Kotori

Latest Trends

Kotori is always up to date with the latest and emerging lifestyle trends and, based on over 15 years experience, determines the key shifts that will shape the future.

Latest Trends

Kotori is always up to date with the latest and emerging lifestyle trends and, based on over 15 years experience, determines the key shifts that will shape the future.

Cultural Understanding

Kotori’s deep understanding of the Japanese and European culture provides a richer human insight and allows to create a more contextualised strategy.

Cultural Understanding

Kotori’s deep understanding of the Japanese and European culture provides a richer human insight and allows to create a more contextualised strategy.

Partner Network

With a vast network of design & research collaboration partners within Japan, South Korea and China, Kotori will form a strong team to meet the project needs.

Partner Network

With a vast network of design & research collaboration partners within Japan, South Korea and China, Kotori will form a strong team to meet the project needs.